Iron man 2 imdb
Iron man 2 imdb

iron man 2 imdb

It seems like there is a lot going on but by keeping the focus squarely on Tony, director Shane Black is able to keep the narrative from becoming incoherent, and more importantly, retain its sense of fun. The story revolves around Tony Stark/Iron Man facing a new threat known as The Mandarin whilst juggling his relationship with Gwyneth Paltrow's Pepper Potts and keeping Guy Pearce's creepy scientist at bay.

#Iron man 2 imdb movie

And so you should because, even setting aside the divisive twist, this is a hugely entertaining comic book movie infused with a wonderful sense of humour, a breakneck pace and some truly spectacular action sequences. Either way, Iron Man 3 will have you talking about it by the end.

iron man 2 imdb

At the time of its release, this midway twist proved to be quite polarising, with many critics and fans revelling in the clever direction of the story, whilst others despaired at a Hollywood mishandling of an iconic character. Overall, it's a step down from the first one, but one that I still ejoy quite a lot.There is a moment in Iron Man 3 which will be a big influence on whether you enjoyed the movie or not. Also, while I think that Scarlett Johansson is great as Black Widow (and that she's great here), she was definitely not as confident in the role as she would be in later films. The introduction of Nick Fury (as more than a cameo) and Black Widow isn't the first attempt to expand the world of the movie beyond its central hero (The Incredible Hulk had a Tony Stark cameo and the Super soilder serum played a big part in the plot), but it is the first time they had the main hero interact with this wider world, and while it's definitely not done as gracefuly as in later films, it does makes the universe feel lived in.

iron man 2 imdb

As I mentiones earlier, the MCU was still very undefined. It makes for a somewhat uneventful story, but it sets it apart from other entries, both for better and worse. It's cool to see these characters just living their lives and dealing with their own personal problems while the villains deal with their own somewhere else. They're not driven by plot or action, they're just caught up in the obstacles that come with living in a world of superheroes, even if Marvel was clearly still trying to figure out what that world would be like. Perhaps it's because, unlike most MCU films, it feels like characters are just living in this universe. They're not driven by plot or action, they're just caught up in the obstacles that come with living in a world of superheroes, even if Marvel was I have a big soft spot for this movie. But other then that, I thought it was an enjoyable experience. Vanko also opens his helmet for no reason, making his head incredibly vulnerable. The final battle with Vanko was way too short and just involved IM and WM doing some stupid high-five with their repulsors. That's kinda boring, you shouldn't have your main villain squirrelled away that much. Rourke's Vanko spends most of the second half of the movie in a factory building robots. why don't the security guards just shoot Vanko in the chest with their guns? His exoskeleton doesn't seem to cover his chest, they could shoot him to death. Couldn't he just invent some filter between the reactor and his body? He seems good at inventing stuff. How is Tony's new power source poisoning his blood? The palladium core goes right into his arc reactor, why would this end up in his bloodstream? His bloodstream seems completely segregated from the reactor. How would he know that Tony would possess a nifty holographic projector that could strip away the details and reveal this magical wonder element? Why not just write down the formula on a piece of paper, why hide it as the layout for a stupid ass expo? This. the overhead blueprint for his **** Stark Expo? What the hell, why would anybody. Tony's father had hidden away his secret formula for an amazing new element as. Tony and Pepper's playful banter had turned into a lot of bickering that wasn't that fun to watch. Justin Hammer was cheesing up the joint and just acting way too goofy. It just felt like they needed an action beat, like they said "Oh hey, it's been x amount of pages since we've had some action to entertain the audience, we need to stick a fight scene in here according to this scriptwriting 101 guide." It seemed very forced and unnecessary to me. These two guys are supposed to be best friends? Yeah Tony was being a douche, but that doesn't mean you steal one of his suits and proceed to try to beat his ass and tear up his whole damn mansion in the process. My problems with the film: The fight between Rhodey and Tony in his mansion with DJ AM in the background was really dumb. Iron Man 2 is not exactly a worthy followup to the original. This review contains spoilers, click expand to view.

Iron man 2 imdb